The Traditional Taste of Haute Cuisine since 1920
Direct shipments from Guijuelo


Over these four busy days, we had the opportunity to bring FISAN’s gastronomic experience to our clients and friends, also strengthening international business relationships. At FISAN we were delighted to introduce our latest products: the extreme maturation Iberico pork chop, our selection of 100 % Natural cured meats, our encased bellota 100 % belly bacon, our bellota 100 % Iberico sobrasada and, of course, our Centenary Edition gastronomic luxury: Bellota Ham Year 2013 (122 months of curing).
FISAN en Alimentaria 2024

We very much enjoyed offering tastings of our exquisite bellota Iberico product, our selection of meats, and the most innovative product of this edition –the extreme maturation bellota Iberico pork chop– that was showcased for all the attendees to see in the Innovation exhibition hall of Alimentaria, Innoval.

Bellota Iberico extreme maturation pork chop showcased in the Innovation exhibition hall at Alimentaria
Bellota Iberico extreme maturation pork chop showcased in the Innovation exhibition hall at Alimentaria

Our special mention was in the presentation of the Natural 100% selection, in chorizo and salchichón; in bellota 100% bacon in casing; and in bellota 100% sobrasada. All these products were very positively received by our customers.

100% Natural cured meats selection
100% Natural cured meats selection
Bellota 100% Iberico sobrasada
Bellota 100% Iberico sobrasada

Unquestionably, the star of the stand was Bellota Ham Year 2013 Centenary Edition, whose aroma and flavour delighted all those who had the privilege of tasting it. Once again, FISAN proved its exceptional mastery in the preparation of high-quality ham.

Bellota Ham Year 2013 Centenary Edition (122 months of curing)
Bellota Ham Year 2013 Centenary Edition (122 months of curing)

Our gratitude goes to those who visited us at Alimentaria 2024, for their enthusiasm, comments, and curiosity regarding our new products.


HERMANOS TORRES 3 Michelin Stars, and 3 Repsol Suns Cooking
Sergio Torres with Eva Sánchez, Javier Sánchez and Florencio Sánchez of Ibericos FISAN

In this edition we were honoured by the presence of Sergio Torres, from the Cocina Hermanos Torres Restaurant in Barcelona, awarded with 3 Michelin Stars and 3 Repsol Suns.

Sergio Torres accepted the challenge of boosting the qualities of this gourmet product in a lively cooking show. During the event, the chef delivered two fascinating creations: Tripe dish of matured bellota pork chop with bellota spicy chorizo gnocchi and pickled lemon, and Five-month maturation Iberico pork chop served with a delicious bellota-ham sauce.

Callos de Chuleta de cerdo de Bellota Ibérico madurada, ñoquis de Chorizo de bellota Alta Gastronomía y limón encurtido
Tripe dish of matured bellota pork chop, Bellota Chorizo Alta Gastronomía gnocchi and pickled lemon
Matured bellota Iberico pork chop (5-month maturation) with FISAN Bellota 100% Iberico Alta Gastronomía Ham sauce
Matured bellota Iberico pork chop (5-month maturation) with FISAN Bellota 100% Iberico Alta Gastronomía Ham sauce

The chef was unstinting in his praise when referring to this premium piece: “The qualities that we would define this matured chop with are very exclusive, something that we have never seen before. It is a very subtle product with a sweet acorn-like flavour that we were not familiar with. It tastes like ham, but it is not ham, and it comes from montanera raising -feeding on bellotas in the dehesa-. It is a very good product”.

The driving force of our valuable collaborators

MiBrasa has provided the oven-grill used to prepare the best bellota meat cuts in the tastiest way. We were all given the chance to confirm the bellota meat excellence during the ongoing tastings offered by chef Ricardo Fuentes.

Every day, visitors could enjoy our meats and cured products in combination with a selection of wines from the Matarromera, Carlos Moro, and Emina wineries, which further enhanced the flavours and aromas of each dish.

Besides, freshly baked artisanal bread was provided with every tasting, courtesy of our collaboration with the renowned brand “TRITICUM”.

In addition, we had the pleasure of counting on the collaboration of “Espiga Blanca”, experts in gourmet bread varieties created to satisfy the most demanding palates.

For the detailed design of the presentation of our products, we relied on “LA MELA DECO” and their customized plates.

And to finish the tasting, we were joined by Café Candelas.

At our FISAN stand, we offered a complete gastronomic experience.

Thanks to all the Iberico enthusiasts who visited us and contributed to making this fair a success!

FISAN Bellota Iberico Pork Chop in MiBrasa oven
FISAN Bellota Iberico Pork Chop in MiBrasa oven
Red Wine from Bodegas Matarromera and FISAN Bellota 100% Iberico Ham
Red Wine from Bodegas Matarromera and FISAN Bellota 100% Iberico Ham
Red Wine from Bodegas Matarromera and FISAN Bellota 100% Iberico Ham
TRITICUM artisanal bread and FISAN Bellota 100% Iberico Ham
Bellota Ham Year Añada 2013 Centenary Edition
Bellota Ham Year Añada 2013 Centenary Edition
Jamón de Bellota 100% Ibérico FISAN
FISAN Bellota 100% Iberico Ham on a customized plate by "LA MELA DECO"
Espiga Blanca bread sticks and FISAN Bellota 100% Iberico Ham
Espiga Blanca bread sticks and FISAN Bellota 100% Iberico Ham
Ibericos FISAN stand at Alimentaria 2024
Ibericos FISAN stand at Alimentaria 2024